C. Hoyle, Rajiv Malhotra, Brian Paul, Hailei Wang: DOE-Nuclear Energy University Program Project 16-10324 (2016)
The goal of this project is to develop structural design methodologies for microchannel and plate-fin type Supercritical CO2 Compact Heat Exchangers (CHX), that are subjected to sustained and cyclic temperatures (≈550°C) and pressures (up to 200 bar). The key novelties of this effort are an understanding of the interactions between cyclic temperature and pressure gradients, microscale stresses and macroscopic failure of the CHX and development of a structural design methodology for CHX, based on computational modeling and experimental characterization, along with quantification of uncertainty in CHX life. We will develop a model calibration-based design methodology for structural design of CHXs. This methodology will be informed by a combination of high fidelity 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) models, extended analytical Elastic-Perfectly Plastic (EPP) models and experimental characterization of CHX failure. The deliverable will be a computationally inexpensive methodology for design of CHX geometric parameters, joint properties and base material properties based on expected pressure-temperature cycles and desired CHX life. This methodology will provide the foundation needed to develop an ASME code case for supercritical CO2 CHXs, enabling the advantages of CHXs and supercritical CO2 to be leveraged in many future Nuclear Energy systems. See more at NEUP